Standardized Blue Jeans

Dal blog di Elegant Solutions un articolo sulla nuova strategia lean della Levi Strauss per i jeans che intendono lanciare in tutto il mondo…

Designers and “creative types” have long poo-pooed standardization and standardized work as somehow limiting their thinking. Wrong. Check out where Levi’s are headed!

They announced last week that they’re retooling 501s, so that instead of 4 million fits that confuse the hell out everyone, they’re going to have ONE fit, the same fit, in each of the 110 countries where they’re sold. How? Levi Strauss says the fabric on the jeans is designed to mold to the wearer’s body, regardless of body shape, which will help to account for differences in body type. The company also says it will continue to tailor the sizes offered to different parts of the world.

Not only that, the marketing campaign will be standardized: print and television ads will contain the same theme, content and slogan, “Live Unbuttoned,” the world over. (But actors will change to resemble the populace in the country where the ad is being presented.)

As most of you know…at least those who’ve read either the Elegant Solutions manifesto or The Elegant Solution, one of the three principles of innovation is FIT.

My bet is it works. At the very least, it’s a worthwhile experiment. The learning will be invaluable.


Ciao, sono Dragan Bosnjak e sono qui per guidarti nella scoperta del mondo di lean thinking!

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