
Dal blog di Learning About Lean un articolo che parla di clutter ossia di eliminazione di tutti i disordini nel posto di lavoro, divertente…

Why do we tolerate clutter? Is it a crutch? Is it an effort to hide the work we don’t want to get done? We’ll never know while it surrounds us.

Gotta get rid of the messes. The physical messes. The email messes. The relational messes. The structural messes.

All of them are clutter. Getting in the way. Distracting us.

The leader has enough distractions already. Why do we put more in our way?

Start with your desk. Then de-clutter your email inbox. Then, go make an apology to someone you’ve offended.

De-clutter. Daily.

It is essential.


Ciao, sono Dragan Bosnjak e sono qui per guidarti nella scoperta del mondo di lean thinking!

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