Checklists at a Hotel Front Desk

Dal un articolo che parla delle checklist negli hotel per controllare che tutte le lavorazioni che devono essere fatte prima di far entrare un nuovo cliente siano effettivamente fatte… Parla anche dell’efficacia di queste checklist in qualsiasi situazione e di quanto non siano per niente uno strumento inutile, in quanto siamo tutti umani e tutti facciamo degli errori e abbiamo delle dimenticanze…

There’s so much in the news about “checklists” in the medical context… and I’m convinced that it’s basically the Lean “standardized work” approach in a different name.
Checklists help prevent people from making mistakes of omission — forgetting a step when following a routine or doing the same work day in and day out.Making mistakes like that doesn’t mean you’re “stupid” – it’s a sign that we’re human. That’s why airline pilots use checklists and more surgeons and other health care providers are doing the same.
The other morning, I noticed a checklist being used at my hotel. It was a single sheet clearly labeled, “Morning Front Desk Activity Checklist.” There were about a dozen items that needed to be done, with room for checking them off. I’ll bet with the proper use (and oversight) of this checklist, there isn’t a morning where someone forgets to post the accounts of those checking out.

Hopefully, checklists aren’t viewed as insulting or demeaning. Checklists are common sense — they work. They help ensure that people don’t make mistakes or omissions… what’s wrong with that?


Ciao, sono Dragan Bosnjak e sono qui per guidarti nella scoperta del mondo di lean thinking!

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